Top 10 One-Way Smokes in CS2. Yes, They Still Exist!

one way smokes

One-way smokes were an integral part of the previous version of the game. In CS, they helped gain an advantage over the opponent and almost guaranteed a kill when the opponent appeared. In these scenarios, the enemy either literally couldn’t see you or could only see a part of your model. In CS2, most of these smokes stopped working because the new smoke grenade mechanics imply complete space filling. This makes gaps or small openings virtually impossible. However, after more than six months, professionals and regular community players have managed to find several grenades that allow you to gain an advantage while remaining unnoticed by the enemy. In this article, we will review some of the best smoke grenades on different maps in CS2.

CT Smoke for Mid Exit on Ancient (+ jumpthrow)

CT Smoke for Mid Exit on Ancient (+ jumpthrow)

Let’s start with the Ancient map and an extremely useful smoke that can be thrown at the beginning of the round from spawn. To throw this smoke, go to the left corner at the entrance to the temple, aim at the dark leaf, and throw the grenade with a jumpthrow. The smoke lands on the edge of the texture at the terrorists’ mid exit and completely blocks visibility. You can engage opponents from the doors, and if you throw this smoke for an ally, they can occupy the left space and increase the view to handle the opponents. The grenade flies pretty fast, but to be sure, you should ask a teammate to throw a starting molotov at this position’s exit. Moreover, incendiary grenades for CTs have become cheaper by $100, and they can be purchased more frequently.

CT Smoke for Donut on Ancient (+ jumpthrow)

CT Smoke for Donut on Ancient (+ jumpthrow)

Another smoke that is best used at the beginning of the round. It can be conveniently thrown right from spawn from the far right corner at the temple entrance. It’s best to throw this grenade for your teammate to avoid missing the timing when terrorists are exiting to mid. The smoke blocks visibility in the donut area and complicates a split push to site A. If you often play this position, remember and use this grenade in every round. It lands quite consistently, and it’s nearly impossible to miss.

CT Smoke for A Push on Anubis

CT Smoke for A Push on Anubis

This plant on the Anubis map is the most popular and is often chosen by terrorists to plant the bomb. The map is quite large, and often, such a large area has to be held alone. To stop the enemy’s push for 20 seconds and also try to get a couple of kills – try using this grenade. This smoke is much more effective as it allows you to gather information on the enemy and even get a kill. It is quite easy to throw, so if you are an A-site player, be sure to practice it on an empty map and surprise your enemies.

T Smoke for Holding Bomb on B on Anubis (+ jumpthrow)

T Smoke for Holding Bomb on B on Anubis (+ jumpthrow)

If you’ve managed to plant the bomb on B and have an unused grenade, take position behind the column, go into the corner, and block the helper’s passage. The smoke will prevent the enemy from coming out and defusing the bomb and will provide all the information on the opponent’s movement in mid. You can use this information to successfully strip opponents of their weapons if your own economy allows it. The grenade can also be used for the defending side, but the situation where it might come in handy is quite rare. If your ally missed the terrorists at mid, you likely won’t have time to throw the grenade and will need to focus on shooting.

Pit Smoke to Block Short on A on Inferno

Pit Smoke to Block Short on A on Inferno

A versatile smoke that can be used on both sides to block an important part of the map during a push or retake of the B site. This smoke is useful not only for gathering information on the opponent but also for eliminating the possibility of a boost play. The grenade flies quickly and can be instantly thrown when mid control is lost. The smoke will definitely catch the enemy by surprise, and they won’t be able to counter it.

CT Smoke for A Palace on Mirage

CT Smoke for A Palace on Mirage

After transitioning to CS2 and the emergence of the peeker’s advantage, holding this position has become incredibly difficult. The opponent appears on the screen for a split second, and you are already watching the round from the spectators. Because of this, you often have to take more closed positions and allow the opponent to feel very comfortable when pushing A from the palace. This smoke will help solve the problem and allow for more aggressive play.

T Smoke for Holding B on Mirage

T Smoke for Holding B on Mirage

You’ve managed to take site A and plant the bomb in default. Without leaving this position, you can throw a smoke to block the exit from the kitchen. This grenade is very useful if you are outnumbered, as this gap will allow you to kill one or even two opponents without any hindrance. The enemy certainly won’t expect that you can see them through the smoke and will open up to this position without a second thought.

CT Smoke for Ramp Defense on Nuke

CT Smoke for Ramp Defense on Nuke

This is an extremely important spot, which often has to be held alone. “Let’s all go ramp” – anyone playing Nuke has heard or even said this phrase. Even a one-for-one trade at this position greatly increases the attacking side’s chances of winning the round. The beauty of this smoke lies in its versatility. You can take any comfortable position for holding ramp and still have excellent visibility on the opponent. It’s a very important and simple grenade that will deter terrorists from trying to push through this position.

Main Smoke for A Site on Nuke

Main Smoke for A Site on Nuke

This grenade can be used both for defending the site and for holding it after planting the bomb. The latter is even more likely because the position behind the hut is usually occupied by the attacking side. This smoke will buy a significant amount of time and will definitely help win more than one round. The main position is the most convenient spot for a retake, as other entry points to the site are too narrow, making trades difficult. The grenade is so good that it’s worth saving an extra smoke specifically for post-plant situations.

Ramp Smoke on Vertigo

Ramp Smoke on Vertigo

This legendary smoke from CS:GO is one of the few that still works in the new version of the game. This grenade is worth throwing every round to gain an advantage at one of the most important spots on the map. For the opponent, the smoke will be so inconspicuous that they won’t even realize when their model starts appearing on your screen.

As of now (May 27, 2024), all these smokes are current, but it’s best to check each of them when joining a game server. VALVE often changes even the smallest pixels without mentioning it in the update notes, so make sure to spend a few minutes of your time verifying them. Good luck!