Investments in PGL CS2 Major Copenhagen 2024 Items: Should You Invest and What to Buy?

Investments in PGL CS2 Major Copenhagen 2024

The first Major for CS2 in Denmark has come to an end. We now know the name of the winner and have already seen the new champion capsules. All possible updates with Major branding have been released, and now we await the main update for investors and regular users – the beginning of discounts. There are rumors surrounding every event that VALVE will discontinue discounts after the tournament ends, but there are too many facts suggesting otherwise. The main argument is that discounts are staying in the game longer and longer. The sale of Paris Major-themed items lasted a record 154 days in the game. The explanation for this is quite simple – VALVE earns more money this way. The only thing that might change is the size of the discounts. For example, instead of the classic 75%, they might decrease to 50-60 percent. It’s an unlikely outcome, but to calculate all the risks, one must consider all possible developments.

Returning to the main question: is it worth investing in items from this Major? Our answer is definitely yes. This is the first Major for CS2 that has already made history, and developers have dropped several hints about potential updates during the event. We’ve already seen a new type of Pick’em, and there’s no doubt that we’ll see several more innovations before the tournament in China. So, what should you invest in? Let’s break it down.

Viewer Pass

viewer pass 2024

Honestly, this investment has always raised many doubts, but in the past, it often yielded growth. The pass from the Stockholm event has already tripled in price, Rio has grown by 50-70%, but the Paris pass has not increased in price practically at all over the course of a whole year.

It can be said with certainty that by buying the Copenhagen Viewer Pass, you won’t lose your money. But will you be able to make a profit? That’s a big question. Our recommendation: invest 10-15% of your initial bank and don’t count on significant growth in the price of this item.

Souvenir Packages

Mirage collection

Another investment that raises many questions among inexperienced users. Many don’t understand how an item that was sold at a fixed price and is no different from similar packages from previous events can increase in price.

As is known, each souvenir container is tied to a map from the game, and it can be obtained from a match played on that map. A common solution after each Major is to buy the least popular map from the tournament (the one with the fewest matches played on it). There will be significantly fewer sets from this map, and they usually increase in value more readily.

But you won’t make much profit on such sets. However, where you can increase your bank is with potential changes in the map pool. As we know, the most expensive souvenir set currently is from the Cobblestone collection. There are three main reasons for this:

  1. This map has long been absent from the competitive scene.
  2. Previously, sets couldn’t be bought in unlimited quantities; they dropped from watching matches on this map.
  3. The most valuable item in the game – the Dragon Lore – can be found there.

Considering all the facts together, to profit from new souvenir sets, you need to guess the map that will be removed in the next update and choose the collection with more expensive items. Anubis and Ancient currently don’t meet these criteria, as they were added relatively recently. Usually, investors stock up on the Overpass, Inferno, and Nuke collections, as these maps have been played on the pro scene for quite some time. The argument is quite reasonable, but the absence of a worthy drop raises doubts about the future demand for these containers. They will increase in price, but they are unlikely to show growth of more than 2–3 times. However, the Vertigo and Mirage collections were relatively recently updated (in 2021), and they contain expensive items of Restricted and Classified quality. There is a chance that these maps will be removed too. Mirage is the longest-playing map in the game, and Vertigo has not been well received in CS2 and has been criticized by many professional players.

Capsule Stickers

capsule 2024

The last in-game item that has a fixed price. When choosing it as an investment, it’s worth paying attention to the contents of this capsule. For example, many consider legend capsules to be the most profitable purchase for potential resale. But in practice, legend capsules show the lowest growth because these team stickers are already quite abundant in the game. Here we suggest taking a closer look at the remaining two, especially Contenders. The stickers for Lynn Vision, AMKAL, Legacy, and KOI in this capsule may become the only ones on the market, and as we know, the Steam marketplace loves scarce items.

As for the autograph case, the situation is slightly different. In this case, it’s worth paying attention to the capsules where the most popular and skilled players are. But these capsules increase in value quite modestly because the chance of getting the desired sticker is five times lower, and it’s not profitable to chase after it.

Team Stickers

We’ve come to the most interesting and risky investments – stickers. Their initial price is determined by the community, and it’s difficult to predict what will happen to them next. The price of stickers can be influenced by:

  • Appearance;
  • Victory in a major championship;
  • Closure/bankruptcy of the club;
  • Rebranding/logo change;
  • Signing a new successful roster;
  • Due to a new update, stickers with large letters have become in demand;
  • Other news events (scandals surrounding the organization, sanctions, match-fixing, etc.).

Most of these reasons are very difficult to predict in advance, so we should first pay attention to appearance. This year’s stickers turned out to be quite beautiful. They look much larger on weapons compared to similar stickers without backgrounds and have unique holographic and shimmering patterns. In this situation, it’s worth relying on your own taste, but we’ll suggest a couple of options based on our own experience and feelings:

Sticker | FURIA (Holo) | Copenhagen 2024

Furia Holo 2024

Stickers of this Brazilian team consistently show incredible growth, even though they have been a constant at Majors since 2019. Their holographic sticker constantly changes color and effect, and this year is no exception. Currently, their sticker has a unique pink-purple shimmer that no other sticker has.

Stocking up on FURIA holographic stickers is like investing in gold. Steady and profitable.

Sticker | (Holo) | Copenhagen 2024

VP Holo 2024

There are only two stickers of this team in the game, especially with the updated version of their logo. The team missed the previous Major in Paris, and in the previous two, they played under the tag Outsiders due to the Russian holding company Esforce being sanctioned. This tag is one of the oldest in the world and still has a decent fan base. It’s precisely due to the scarcity and relative demand that you can make a small profit in the near future. Moreover, the appearance of the sticker this year turned out to be quite interesting. Its black-orange shimmer somewhat resembles gold and looks great on many skins. Also, don’t forget that the sticker is used as the letter “V” when writing various words, but for this purpose, it’s better to look at the regular version of the sticker.

Whether to invest and whether it’s worth trying to profit from investments in PGL CS2 Major Copenhagen 2024 is up to you. Remember not to start buying any items before the start of discounts (unless you believe they will be canceled). Allocate your funds to several positions and set desired purchase requests in advance to be in line for an item at the desired price as one of the first.