How to purchase for CT in CS2? Features of the economics of the defense side

Defense side in CS2

The economy in Counter-Strike is not a simple thing in itself. But it’s even more difficult for her to work on the defense side. After all, when purchasing, you need to pay attention to the need to buy a helmet, defuse kits and the required grenades for defending the point. It became even more difficult after the last major patch in CS2: the incendiary grenade became less effective, despite the price reduction. But there is also a positive aspect – the M4A4 now costs $3000, not $3100. To help you understand all the details of the economics of defense, in this material we will analyze all the features of the correct purchase for CT in CS2.

Pistol round

Unlike the attack game, the CT has many purchasing variations in the pistol round. One of the players will have to purchase defuse kits, then he can take a smoke grenade or leave money in reserve for the next round. Another player can spend all the money on a bargain – for $800 you can buy a smoke, a HE grenade and a flash. Also, after the update, an alternative option appeared: you can buy an incendiary grenade to go with the smoke, which will now cost $500. Other players can purchase body armor that will protect them from being hit in the body with a Glock-18. And on some maps, depending on the position, you can take Dual Berettas, you will even have money left over for smoke and flash or incendiary grenade.

Purchase after pistol round

After winning the pistol round, you should never buy FAMAS or M4A4/M4A1-S. The second round is almost the only situation when you vitally need a helmet in addition to armor and neglecting it in order to acquire a more powerful weapon is highly discouraged. Terrorists, if they lose in the pistol round, will play with farm guns, from which it is very easy to hit the head with a spray. A similar situation will arise if the attacking side loses a pistol round; non-standard pistols only cause sufficient damage during a headshot. The layout is also important, which will prevent a quick exit to the point, which terrorists most often like to do when the purchase is poor. From a weapon, it is preferable to choose a farm gun, which will allow you to accumulate a stable economy and in case of defeat in the weapon round, you will not have to do eco.

If you didn’t manage to win the pistol round, there is practically no point in going full eco; in the third round you still won’t have enough for the optimal purchase. In this case, you should buy armor without a helmet and custom pistols or cheap farming guns. The right choice of position or the right tactical decision together with the team will help you: for example, to strengthen one of the points.

Defense side in CS2

Main purchase

Unlike playing for the attacking side, CT does not need to buy a helmet; it still will not save you from an AK-47, which kills with the first shot to the head. It would be better to spend this money on a smoke grenade. It’s difficult to come up with something new in purchasing something for protection, but you should not forget about the discount in addition to your M4A4 or M4A1-S. Judging by the latest patch, the usual equipment with an incendiary grenade can be replaced by the option to purchase a HE grenade. If you are confident in your sniper skills, you can save up for an AWP, but you need to play with this device extremely carefully: the cost of a mistake is too high. You will also have to save the rifle often – earning another one will be problematic.

Purchasing versus eco

Against eco, you should also not forget about the helmet – these are the only rounds, besides the pistol series, in which you will need it for CT. Also, if you correctly calculate the economy and know about your opponent’s economy in advance, you can not spend money on an M4A4 or M4A1-S, but get by with farming guns, which will also bring additional income. In such rounds, you absolutely cannot take AWP, even if you give one or two frags, you will be pushed with pistols or MAC-10s.

Eco rounds and forces

Ecos and forces for CT are won much more often, because the defense is initially in more advantageous positions. This does not always mean the need to strengthen one of the points; one confident shooter with a Desert Eagle or a shotgun at close range may be enough. The optimal devices for bad purchases for CT are Desert Eagle, farm guns, XM1014, and if you have very little money, P250 with Five-SeveN will do. For a successful force, you will also need body armor, because if you can knock out the enemy’s weapon, it will be easier to use it in the remaining time of the round. And to hold positions you need grenades, primarily smokey ones.

Defense side in CS2

The latest economic changes will certainly bring something new to the game. Not much time has passed yet, but players are already coming up with alternative purchasing options for CT that will prove effective. Such updates refresh the game and give players additional interest and variety in tactical terms.