How to buy for terrorists in CS2? Features of the economy of the attacking side

Terrorists in CS2

Economy is one of the main features of Counter-Strike over other shooters. In Valve’s game, you not only need to be able to shoot well, but also take into account many other factors, for example, the tactical component, the distribution of grenades and the proper distribution of money earned per round. In this material we will talk about the correct distribution of the economy for terrorists. You will learn when it is worth buying in full and when it is better to save money for the future.

Pistol round

A game of Counter-Strike traditionally begins with a pistol round. Here you cannot immediately rush into battle in full uniform, as in most shooters. For the first round, only $800 is given in half, which is not enough even for armor and a helmet. But with this money you can purchase any of the pistols presented in CS2. However, this is not the most correct option for distributing the economy. More often than not, it’s worth sticking with the standard and free Glock-18 and purchasing the $650 armor. Due to the nature of defense economics, most opponents will use USP-S, which deals very little damage to the body. Armor will not save you from head shots, but not all enemies are so accurate.

There are also other purchasing options in the pistol round for an attack. You can act as a tank and ask your teammates to drop P250 for the purchased armor; this tactic is most often used in professional matches. This is usually done by the best marksmen on teams who are guaranteed to get 1-2 kills at the beginning of the round. There is no particular point in buying a more effective pistol than the Glock-18 yourself; you will be very vulnerable to all even the most careless shots from your opponents.

For fans of the tactical component of CS2, there is also an option to purchase grenades. For $800 you can afford a smoke grenade, which will be extremely effective when entering a point or the center of the map. The remaining money can be spent on molotov or two flash. With this purchase, you should not go out first, but stay behind the team and use your tactical advantage to its full potential.

Bomb explosion in CS2

Purchase after pistol round

Then everything depends on success in the pistol round. If you managed to win it, you still shouldn’t spend all the money you earned. CS2 is famous for unexpectedly taken eco-rounds and forces, which means that you risk giving the enemy an AK-47, which gives a big advantage to CT. It would be more correct to purchase armor with a helmet, which will protect against hits to the head from non-standard pistols. The choice of weapons is quite extensive: any farming gun will do, the most popular of which is the MAC-10.

If you failed to win the pistol round, it is highly recommended to spend money in the second round. The funds will be useful to you to make a full purchase at the weapons round. You should only get by with purchasing a custom pistol, such as a P250 or Tec-9.

However, the purchase is also affected by the bomb placed in the pistol round. The extra money you earn will allow you to purchase weapons that will be more powerful than CT equipment. You will be able to play with an AK-47 or Galil AR with armor and helmet in the second round.

Main purchase

At weapons rounds, procurement is not particularly diverse. Most often you will use an AK-47, armor with a helmet and a full spread of grenades. If you’re a little short on money, you can get by with the Galil AR; this machine is also effective. If you like to play with a sniper rifle, you will have to save up and farm guns will help with this; for killing with this weapon you are given more money.

Full buying round in CS2

Purchasing versus eco

Just because the game is going well doesn’t mean you need to go all out every round. Calculating the enemy’s economy is also extremely important: if the enemies are doing eco, it would be better to play with farm guns, so as not to accidentally give away an effective weapon, as well as earn extra money and strengthen the financial condition of the team. It’s definitely not worth buying an AWP, losing it will be very expensive, and pistols can easily take you by surprise and get the desired rifle and turn the outcome of the round around.

Eco rounds and forces

If you can’t win rounds yet, this doesn’t mean it’s time to forget about the economy and try to win with all the means at your disposal. It’s more correct to act at a distance and build a strong economy and try to harm the enemy’s, then one won round can force your opponents to force and eco, which will give you several rounds at once. There are several types of incomplete procurement in CS2.

If you want to save as much as possible, it’s worth purchasing only a custom pistol, such as a Desert Eagle or Tec-9, and armor with a helmet. However, in the case where you have more money than your allies, you can afford to spend the money but leave $2000 for the next round. This could be an AK-47, Galil AR or farm guns.

However, if the score is already quite devastating and saving is not an option, you will have to make a force, which can give significant chances of winning. This is a big risk and if you fail, you will have to go eco in the next round, so you need to properly assess the risks. When forcing, the main factor is your correct positioning on the map; often the team strengthens one of the points and tries to guess the attack vector. But you can simply take an advantageous position, which will benefit pistols or farming guns.

Tec-9 in CS2

Economy is only one of the components of the game in Counter-Strike 2. Also, do not forget about shooting training, throwing grenades and correctly understanding what is happening on the map. However, it is the right purchase that will allow you to play a match with all the convenience and comfort. A strong economy will give you a huge advantage over your opponents.