All the necessary grenade placement on the new Mills map in Counter-Strike 2.

Mills CS2 Map

With the latest major update, Counter-Strike 2’s first community-made maps are now available. Only two of them made it into matchmaking. Thera was certainly the first candidate for introduction into the game and it is unlikely that any community card will be able to compete with it in popularity and matches played. But another location also appeared in matchmaking – Mills. It was created by the author catfood, who gave us such maps for CS:GO as Ruby, Tulip, Log and Engage. In this material, we have prepared for you the most important grenade distributions at Mills.

Defense side

If you play on point B, you can easily smoke a long. To do this, you need to throw a grenade directly from the site. You will need to stand next to a lamppost and aim at the corner of the building’s roof.

Mills CT smoke a long

Also, when playing on B, you can throw a smoke, which will close the attack exit to mid. To do this, you need to stand near a tall tree and aim at the hook that hangs from the building opposite.

The player at point A will be greatly helped by the smoke that can be given from the “doughnut” position. You need to stand at the ice cream parlor and aim at the letter A above you.

Attack side

For terrorists you will need a lot more smokes. The layout for the attacking side on Mills is rich in its variety. For example, you can give smoke to “wine” right from respawn. To do this, you need to stand at the pillar near the pier and aim at the facade of the building opposite, namely the fourth white brick from the top and perform a jump throw.

You can also throw a smoke grenade at top mid from respawn. To do this, you need to stand next to the motorcycle and aim just above the roof of the building opposite. The jump is performed in a throw.

Mills TT smoke on top mid

To reach point B, a smoke on long that can be thrown from an arch will be useful. This grenade is extremely simple: the throw is performed with the left mouse button without jumping. You only need to aim at the edge of the blue building’s roof.

To throw smoke onto the fence you will need to stand next to the boxes that are used for planting. After this, you need to aim at the middle of the roof of the opposite building and perform a jump throw.

Mills TT smoke on fence

You can also fence off site B itself with smoke. This grenade is no longer so easy to execute and you will definitely have to practice it. It is thrown from the same point as the previous one, but you will first have to crouch down, aim at the left edge of the right bridge beam, stand up and perform a jump throw.

Mills TT Smoke on B site

There are also three useful grenades to reach point A. Standing next to the truck, you can immediately block off the entire view of the site. To do this, you need to aim at the top of the roof of the middle building opposite in a squat and release the left mouse button.

Mills TT smoke on A site

You can also block the view of a player who is located near the hotel. To do this, you need to stand at the opposite wall from the loader, aim at the middle of the top edge of the second window of the building opposite and perform a jump throw.

Mills TT smoke on hotel

From the same position you can give a smoke to the stairs. To do this, you need to aim at the middle of the lower edge of the first window of the building opposite, lower the sight to the edge of the doorway and perform a jump throw.

Mills TT smoke on stairs

Mills is unlikely to appear in the official map pool, but the location itself has an interesting style and is worth playing while it is available in the game. The presented layout will allow you to gain an advantage over your opponents and the gameplay itself will become much more enjoyable.